


#Mood Diary The year is coming to an end again.

Another year is coming to an end, and the biggest move this year was changing jobs.

But after the change, I feel more tired compared to before, but the work I do is more pure, just with more things to consider.

Before, my subordinates cared about how I was doing here, but I couldn't bring them over because the salary here is not as high as theirs.

From my perspective, some people have low salaries but do a lot of work, some people are busy every day, but it's actually just physical labor with no real results. Some people are idle every day, but they are considered valuable in the eyes of the leaders and need to be taken care of.

Anyway, there are all kinds of unfairness, but after seeing it so much, I have gotten used to it. Originally, I was supposed to be promoted at the end of the year here, but it didn't happen. But I don't really care anymore, just going with the flow.

Finally, I have become the person I dislike!

If you are a young person, I suggest you not to work in a big company, it's really like being a worker on an assembly line, with no future. Unless you understand social skills well and can develop well in a big company. But Chinese people are relatively simple, probably due to the education system, easier to manage. And now, there aren't many leaders who truly rely on their management abilities to advance, it's mostly about personal connections and social skills. Management is simple and rough, they only know how to exploit, not how to solve problems.

Another year passes in a daze, where will I be next year?

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