


Today is a day off.

I didn't come back until after 3 o'clock yesterday morning, supporting the customer acceptance of Ethiopia.

I found that it's really difficult to make money. The customer's acceptance is very careful, and every item in the specification is checked seriously and repeatedly verified. The environment crashed during the acceptance last week, and it was only fixed after a restart.

We can't say that our product is not good, we can only say that there is a communication problem. The indicators we provided are for high-spec physical machines, but the customer built a small cluster because we had already signed with the customer in the early stage. When I, a small soldier, received the instructions, I really felt overwhelmed! I even had the thought of deleting the database and running away at that time.

I can only verify the indicators in our department first, and I have verified them many times. I have also optimized the scripts repeatedly, and basically removed all unnecessary operations. The customer's server was also cleaned before the verification. Finally, I completed all the indicators yesterday evening. Fortunately! It feels like I used up half a year's worth of luck!

After the verification, some unpleasant things happened. I am mainly responsible for testing, and some customer service personnel are also supporting the verification. In fact, the known issues of our early versions were very obvious on the customer's server during the verification, and the main problem was that the number of processes in the statistics was incorrect, but it did not affect the business. My idea is to patch it later and discuss it with the customer, but the customer service's idea is to just get through it. I also know that getting through it is the result that the leaders want, but there is still a gap between knowing and doing. It's still difficult to convince myself, so I decided to keep my opinions to myself and let the customer service handle the remaining communication. I packed up and went home.

Why do I feel like there is still a gap between what I expected and what I got even after changing companies?

Maybe it's the same no matter how many companies I change to. After all, the overall environment is like this. It's really hard to maintain an original intention!

Wang Shuo once said: Bad people tell you to study well, and then they play tricks on you!

I have to say that being a person is also an art! I hope the next generation can be more honest and less deceitful!

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