


Reflections on Qingming

I finished work at 9 o'clock tonight, a bit earlier than usual, because I wasn't feeling good due to the rain.
In the morning, I brought an umbrella to work, but my friend didn't. He is my college classmate and colleague. We have been together for 11 years since graduation, and we can still see each other regularly. What's more important is that we are still good friends with similar interests. It's really fortunate.

Life is often disappointing. I didn't feel it before, but now it seems to be true. I can no longer be carefree and worry-free like a teenager, only focusing on striving. Now I have more things to consider, and I just earn a day's wage for a day's work. I don't know how it will end in the future.

I miss the dry season when it rains, especially the smell of sunshine on the quilt. But we all know the smell of sunshine, and it's not something we can smell every day. Because the rainy season is coming in a while, and rain becomes the norm.

Mood can be affected by the rainy season, but most of the happy moments in our memories don't have the trace of rain. I suddenly want to listen to a song called "The Mark of Rain" and reminisce about my middle school and high school life.

Youth is like a rushing river, once gone, there's no time to say goodbye, leaving only a numb me without the passion I had before!

The lyrics are so true!

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